This Innovative New Condom Is Worth $1 Million

Image Source: LELO

Image Source: LELO

What might a new and improved, ridiculously long over-due condom upgrade be worth? According to Indiegogo backers, it’s $1 million. The Swedish sex toy company LELO is promising to use the money to make LELO Hex, a condom completely redesigned for both effectiveness and pleasure. “LELO Hex comes as a giant leap forward in the fight for great, safe sex—with a structurally different design, that means you can see and feel the difference,” the company says.

The condom, which has been in the works for seven years, is made of interlocking latex hexagons—one of the strongest, most durable shapes. Not surprisingly, LELO Hex’s backers have been mostly men—which makes sense, considering it’s being advertised to enhance male pleasure in particular. So, if you want a “powerfully robust,” completely re-engineered condom, a 36-pack of condoms ordered through the Indiegogo campaign will cost you $35. As LELO Hex says, “Feel the love.”

Looking for enhanced pleasure yourself? Come “feel the love” right here!

Check out more about LELO’s innovative new condom:

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