This Is The Best Time Of Day To Have Sex

Image Credit: NASA

Image Credit: NASA

What if we told you there’s an optimum time of the day to have sex? Better start setting your clock, because according to a recent study, the best time to have sex is around 45 minutes after you wake up. The survey used data from 1,000 participants and found that 7:30am is the sweet spot for getting it on.

Researchers note that “energy levels are at their highest after a good night’s rest which means both sexes have more stamina.” Interestingly, sex is like exercise in that “the rush of endorphins sparked by sex lowers blood pressure and stress levels and makes us feel more upbeat for the rest of the day.” The survey adds that since male testosterone levels peak in the morning, guys last longer in bed—so be sure to start penciling in some good morning sex!

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Check out more about the best time of day to have sex:

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