This Is The Horniest Meme On The Internet

15417952809_93966489b5_zWhat’s the longest you’ve gone without getting some? If you’re like the rest of us, you’ve probably gone through a “sex dry spell” at one point or another—which is why the “days without sex” meme on Twitter is so relatable and hilarious. Here are the best ones to lighten the mood when you’ve gone too long without some good good lovin’ (check out more below).

  1. Day 71 without sex: my smart watch thinks I’ve jogged 3 miles today but I haven’t left the house.”
    Good way to stay busy when you aren’t getting busy!
  2. Day 16 without sex and I’m constantly drinking boba just so I can have balls in my mouth.”
    Tasty AND resourceful!
  3. day 187 without sex: I just spit on my popsicle before putting it in my mouth.”
    Sexy and sweet!
  4. Day 213 without sex: plugged my charger into my phone and whispered ‘you like that?’”
    Now that’s dirty talking!
  5. Day 227 without sex : I got excited when the man at subway asked if I wanted 6 inch or 12 x”
    Size matters at Subway!
  6. Day 1738 without sex: threw the blue shell in Mario Kart while I was already in first place to remember what it’s like to get hit from behind.”
    Naughty naughty, Mario!
  7. Day 0 without sex: life fucks me everyday.”
    But sex makes everything better!

Looking to end a sexual dry spell? We’re always wet here at NiteFlirt!

Check out more of the funniest sex dry spell tweets:

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