This is What Happened When a Couple Revealed Their Sexual Fantasies to Each Other

Image Source: | BuzzFeedBlueHave you wondered what it would be like to share your sexual fantasies with your partner? Maybe you wanted to but felt there were some things just too kinky to reveal? Well, gay couple RJ and Will decided to take a quiz on a website that asked about their sexual fantasies to then share the results with each other. And as you can imagine, they found out some pretty interesting stuff about one another (check out a video of the encounter below).

“I want to take pictures of us having sex? That’s not something that we’ve done…” said RJ. Some of the stuff they’ve done (watch and do things they’ve seen in porn, for example), but a lot of the stuff they’d be into if the other wanted to try it: “Call RJ obscene words? No! That’s so mean….I mean, but if he’s into it…” For some of the questions, they were just confused: “Wear ear plugs during sex? What?” Will was also surprised to discover that RJ would be into “facials,” or, ahem, “cum over my face.” In the end, they discovered that they’d both be into group sex…maybe involving pies? “I say we go to a pleasure resort, and bring a ton of pies with us!”

Want to explore some of your sexual fantasies? Whatever turns you on—pies or no—we are down to try!

Check out more about the couple who shared their sexual fantasies together here:


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