This is What it Looks Like to Have an Orgasm—as Demonstrated With Clay

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_orgasmfaceIn Buzzfeed’s new video, people twist, pull, tug, and generally explode clay to demonstrate what it looks like to have an orgasm. And as you can imagine, the experience (or should we say ‘clay-perience’?) really is different for each person. Here is what it looks like to have an orgasm, as interpreted through clay (check out the video below).

First, many of the people start by molding and “working” the clay: “Get everything, like, warmed up. Foreplay is underrated,” explains one guy. Then a woman starts shaping her clay into a mountain because “you know, you’re sweatin’. But you’re really enjoying the view!” A different guy twists his clay into a big, wound-up mass: “So, you get like wound up a little bit. It’s a lot of contracting and releasing.” And, of course, they all end their orgasm demonstrations with explosions of clay everywhere: “You get to the top of the mountain…and you’re like ‘Oh my god, I made the fireworks show! It’s amazing!’” Let’s get climbin’!

In the mood for a fireworks show yourself? We can make you feel like clay in our hands right here!

Check out Buzzfeed’s video that shows people explaining what it’s like to orgasm by using clay:

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