You’ve probably experienced that moment watching porn when you think you’re alone—but then someone surprises you out of nowhere. We all know there’s no boner-killer more annoying than getting caught in the act. Thankfully, an Indiegogo campaign will make sure this unfortunate scenario never happens again.
Minimeyes motion sensor is a discreet Bluetooth-connected motion-sensing cube that can be easily placed on a desk or a bookshelf when you’re looking for some, ahem, quality time with yourself. When it senses someone walking into the room or opening a door, it immediately hides all the open windows on your desktop and mutes the sound. On a mobile, it can close the app you’re using or give you a notification and audio alert. Finally, a device that lets you browse porn with some peace of mind!
Looking for something discreet? Come find what your hankering for right here!
Check out more about Minimeyes: