This Sex Robot Could Save Your Marriage

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_robotsA husband-and-wife team in Spain have invented a sex robot to help long-term couples improve their sex lives. The married couple of 16 years sells AI-equipped sex dolls for as much as $7,000 apiece, an invention they credit as saving their marriage. They wanted a solution for their out-of-sync libidos, and so they put their robotics expertise to work on Samantha, a sex robot capable of responding to pleasure.

Samantha can speak 6,000 different sentences and responds to sexual touch with moans and affirmative feedback. She knows when you’re fondling her breasts, penetrating her pussy, or even just touching her thighs or hands. She can also communicate with other robots in the house, like Alexa, who Samantha will instruct to put on sexy music when the mood is right.

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Check out more about a sex robot that saved a couple’s marriage:

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