Those Good Vibes You Feel After Sex Can Last For 48 Hours, Study Finds

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_havingsexYou’ve probably noticed how your mood improves after sex, thanks to a flood of endorphins and other feel-good chemicals in your body. But what if we told you those post-sex good vibes can actually last days? It’s true: a new study suggests that the positive effects of getting laid can last for up to two days—not to mention the relationship benefits, which can last months.

A team of researchers at Florida State University examined data from hundreds of newlywed couples, who were asked to report how satisfied they were with three things: their sex life, their partner and their relationship as a whole. Unsurprisingly, when the couples had sex, they felt increased sexual and relationship satisfaction—but what’s interesting is that the “afterglow” effect lasted up to 48 hours. Not only that, but they were also happy with their relationships for months afterward! So, there you have it: science says get it on!

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Check out more about how the benefits of sex can last 48 hours:

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