Threesome At a Rodeo Is Its Own Wild Ride

There’s a video circulating around the internet of a side event at the Calgary Stampede rodeo this year (watch below). It seems two men and a woman decided to have their own private ride in an alley at the event. And judging by the vigorous display, these people sure were enjoying themselves at the rodeo!

The woman—who’s seen in the video getting fucked from behind while giving an enthusiastic blowjob to another cowboy—has become a sort-of internet hero, with memes, macros, photoshops, and even a tribute song to her. And she has actively embraced her internet cult-status: she released a Youtube video recently with the song about herself playing in the background acknowledging that she did indeed have a threesome, and that it was just as fun as it looked! She also eats a cucumber as a big F-You to all the haters out there. Yee haw!

In the mood for a wild ride yourself? Giddy-up, cowboy!

Wanna see the “rodeo” video?

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