TikToker Puts Condom On Leg To Disprove Men’s Excuses For Not Wearing Them

A TikToker has hilariously put men’s lame excuses for not wearing condoms to bed (pun intended!). The TikTok shows a condom being extended over a foot and up to about knee-length, surrounded by mocking phrases like “I’m too big” and “It won’t fit.” The video currently has over 8.1 million views.

The TikToker later cited studies detailing exactly how wrong men claiming to be “too big” for condoms really are. Rather than condoms being too small, research has shown that condoms are often too big for wearers, which can lead to problems. “Fitting and comfortably fitting are two different things,” a user noted. “If they think it doesn’t fit, they’re probably buying the wrong size.”

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Check out more about a TikToker putting a condom on her leg to prove men aren’t “too big” to wear them: https://www.dailydot.com/irl/condom-fits-leg/

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