TikToker Reveals How Much Sex You Should Have Per Week, According To Science

A so-called relationship expert revealed on TikTok how often couples should have sex, claiming his stats are proven by science. The TikToker says you should fuck your partner two to three times a week because it provides “mental and physical health benefits” and “hormonal regulation.” “There’s a whole bunch of science behind this. It’s been shown with studies that it’s very good for females to orgasm three times a week. It’s good for their mental health, their physical health, it’s good for their bodies,” he said in the popular TikTok video.

He explained that over time as couples become comfortable with each other they start to get into “lazy” habits by not having sex as often. “So two to three times a week really keeps people on track,” he claims. A study published in Archives of Sexual Behavior revealed married couples have sex 51 times a year—about once a week—but others argue there’s no “magic number” when it comes to how often you and your partner get it on.

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Check out more about a TikToker’s video about how often a couple should fuck according to science: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/relationships/article-11400727/How-times-sex-week-Jake-Maddock-TikTok.html

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