Tony the Tiger Has Been Getting A Lot of Unwanted Attention Lately—From Furries

tonythetigerYou’ve probably heard of the furries. You know, those kinksters who get off on dressing up as animals? Well, you know who they think is just grrrrreat? That’s right: Tony the Tiger! The beloved cereal mascot has been on the furries’ randy radar lately—much to the delight of the internet, and to the chagrin of Tony the Tiger.

The furries have been sending Tony naughty Twitter comments like “frost my cakes daddy” and “I want to see the stripes under your shorts Tony.” Tony has gone on the defensive, blocking the furries en masse from his Twitter account. So is Tony actually the sexiest cereal mascot or is it just a weird furry-fetish thing? Once, a Vice writer called Tony a “Michelangelo-built tiger-man,” commenting on his sexy shoulder-to-hip ratio. Just goes to show, furry or no, folks want big T to fill their cereal bowls with his frosty flakes!

Want to have a grrrrreat experience yourself? Come bring the kink to our breakfast table!

Check out more about furries’ sex offers to Tony the Tiger here:

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