Tragically, Americans Seem To Be Having Less Sex 

LessSexEven though we all know how great sex is (researchers have recently said it even makes your life better at work), it seems we’re having less sex these days, which in turn is making us less happy. A large study that includes data from 25,000 people confirms that, tragically, compared with the early 2000s, Americans are fucking less per year. Researchers calculated Americans‘ ‘fuckquency’ over time, looking at demographics from single and married people, and found that boning had decreased over time.

“Americans bumped uglies an estimated 60 times per year on average from 1989 to 1994, 62 times per year from 1995 to 1999, 62 from 2000 to 2004, 58 from 2005-2009 and 54 from 2010 to 2014. That means we’re down eight sexings per year since the early 2000s,” reports Gizmodo. A scientist analyzed the data in the Archives of Sexual Behavior and concluded that there is correlation between having less sex and a general decline in happiness. In others words, you’re having less sex because you’re less happy, and you’re less happy because you’re having less sex. Americans, this is a literal call to action: let’s prove science wrong!

Want to increase your happiness? Time to up your ‘fuckquency!’

Check out more about the tragic study which shows Americans are having less sex:

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