Trump Addresses the ‘Golden Showers’ Report

In his first press conference as president-elect, Trump wanted to put to bed the kinky allegation staining his reputation a bright yellow. Allegedly, Russia had blackmail materials about Trump’s sex life, including a report that he paid prostitutes to perform “golden showers” in a hotel room during one of his visits. Trump denied the allegation by explaining, “I’m also very much a germaphobe, by the way.”

Trump added that the contents of the report about Russia having information on his sexual habits were “all fake news.” He said, “It didn’t happen. It was gotten by opponents of ours. It was a group of opponents who got together—sick people, and they put that crap together.” While Trump did admit that he believes Russia hacked several U.S. political organizations, it’s not likely that he’ll be coming clean about his private, dirty kinks anytime soon.

Looking to get kinky? Come get dirty with us!

Check out more about Trump denying the allegation that he likes golden showers here:

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