Tucker Carlson Advises Men To Tan Their Balls

Image Source: Flickr.com | MattysFlicks

The trailer for Tucker Carlson’s new show “The End of Men” left Twitter titillated thanks to the gratuitous shots of hot, bare-chested men doing “manly” things like grilling meat and chopping wood. But one shot in particular was a cut above the rest: a buck-ass naked man who appears to be tanning his balls. The episode, which recently aired, investigated the “total collapse” of testosterone levels in men in recent years.

In a heavily circulated clip of the episode, a fitness trainer says men should consider “bromeopathic therapy”—the use of infrared light on the testicles—as a radical counter for decreasing levels of testosterone. “Half the viewers right now are like,‘What?! Testicle tanning, that’s crazy!’” Carlson goes on to acknowledge, “but my view is: Okay, testosterone levels have crashed and nobody says anything about it, that’s crazy, so why is it crazy to seek solutions?” Naturally, Twitter had some thoughts about “testicle tanning,” not to mention the excessive amount of homoerotic imagery in a man’s show who’s opposed to saying “gay”: “I am sitting here next to my gay husband living my gay life reading a gay novel as research for my new gay book…and yet I am not and will never be as gay as whatever is haunting Tucker Carlson’s fantasies,” one person tweeted.

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Check out more about Tucker Carlson advising men to tan their balls: https://jezebel.com/tucker-carlson-asks-former-abercrombie-manager-how-to-u-1848808539

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