US Customs Block Man After Reading His Profile On Gay Dating App

A Canadian man was denied entry into the United States after US Customs read his profile on the gay hookup app Scruff. Apparently, they suspected the man of being a sex worker after finding a description on his profile that said he was “looking for loads.” They assumed he was soliciting sex for cash, and began what the man described as a “humiliating” and seemingly endless interrogation.

The agents immediately inspected the man’s phone, computer and other possessions, demanding the passwords for his devices. He described them “grilling” him, asking “‘Is this your email?’ and it was an email attached to a Craigslist account for sex ads.” Though there was no proof that the man was a sex worker—in fact, during his second attempt, he brought pay stubs from his employer and bank statements—he was still not allowed into the country. Not only is this type of flagrant violation of privacy tragically all too common for non-Americans, but as a Canadian lawyer says, “Their agents need cultural awareness training to not misunderstand that people who simply are leading a normal sex life are not prostitutes.”

Want to celebrate your right to a normal sex life? Come stand up for liberty—the sexy way!

Check out more about the man denied entry into the US because of his Scruff profile:

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