Utah Declares a War On Porn

nopornCongratulations, Utah—you’ve just become the first state in the US to formally declare pornography a “public health crisis.” It’s true. The state’s Senate recently passed an unanimous resolution to crack down on pornography and the “sexually toxic environment” that it perpetuates. Though the resolution didn’t pass any laws, it aims to address “the pornography epidemic that is harming the citizens of Utah and the nation.”

State Senator Todd Weiler recently told Vice that porn is addictive and harmful, and that its consumption “can impact brain development and functioning, contribute to emotional and medical illnesses, and shape deviant sexual arousal.” Utah is a very religious state—60 percent of its residents identify as Mormon—which explains the public condemnation of porn as a “fatal epidemic; like a moral plague.” Many critics are calling Utah out for hypocrisy: the state teaches “abstinence only” in schools, and doesn’t include contraception education in its curriculum, which could account for the high STD rate among teenagers. As studies have shown, when you make sex taboo and shameful, it only fuels sexually risky behavior—maybe it’s time for Utah to include sex-ed in its schools before scapegoating porn for its problems.

Want to have some pornstar-like experiences? We are all about sex-positivity here!

Check out more about Utah’s war on porn here: https://news.vice.com/article/utahs-legislature-has-declared-porn-a-public-health-crisis

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