Utah Officially Allows Citizens To Have Sex Outside Marriage

white-1822497_640While you might think this is a headline from the year 1900, it is actually much more recent. Utah has just signed a law allowing unmarried people to have sex without breaking the law. Until recently, that was a class B misdemeanor under a 1973 law that carried a possible penalty of up to six months in jail or a maximum fine of $1,000.

Though it was neither enforced or prosecuted, it wasn’t until recently that Utah signed a similar bill that repealed the misdemeanor offenses of adultery and sodomy among consenting adults. Known as “offenses against the family,” the crimes were unenforceable because of court rulings on what consenting adults can do in private. As one Utah citizen said, “Basically just like, ‘Oh thank God, I can do this thing I’ve always been doing.’”

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Check out more about Utah officially allowing citizens to have sex outside marriage: https://nypost.com/2019/04/02/utah-officially-allows-citizens-to-have-sex-outside-marriage/

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