Utah’s Lawmaker Wants to Install Porn Blocking Software On All Cell Phones

ombinedYou may remember Utah Senator Todd Weiler? He’s the guy who successfully pushed an anti-porn resolution through the state Senate earlier this year after declaring porn a “public health crisis.” Well, he’s at it again with his latest brilliant idea: add a bill to abolish internet porn on cell phones in his state. He’d do this by adding online filters and anti-porn software on all cell phones that would require Utah citizens to opt-in before viewing porn online.

“A cell phone is basically a vending machine for pornography,” Weiler told TechCrunch. Critics of Weiler’s (harebrained) plan point out its impracticality, since it would require “major ISPs and cell phone makers to add special porn filtering software just for Utah citizens,” says TechCrunch. Others have compared it to China’s costly and ineffective censorship laws: “The Chinese government has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into censorship and have failed at restricting what their people can see. I don’t see Utah doing any better,” a local Utah ISP provider said. Weiler himself does not even know how the program would work—only that he must stop kids from watching porn! Yeah, good luck with that, Weenie, uh, we mean Weiler.

Looking for easy access to hard-core experiences? You don’t need to “opt-in” at NiteFlirt for that!

Check out more about the Utah lawmaker’s program to block porn on cell phones here: https://www.thegailygrind.com/2016/05/24/this-utah-lawmaker-wants-to-install-porn-blocking-software-on-all-cell-phones/

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