Vagina Massage is the Latest Craze in Women’s Health

naked beautiful bodyIf you follow GOOP’s new-agey, bougie health column and other health magazines like it, you’ve probably heard of the latest craze in women’s health: vagina massage, aka, yoni massage. And if so, you probably also heard that it is basically an erotic massage—which costs $300! So, we gotta ask: why would you pay someone a boatload of money to get you off when you can just do it yourself?

The Daily Beast reports, “These erotic massages have been around for decades, offered by sensual new-agey masseuses and masseurs in a major metropolis near you. But after a recent women’s health article drew attention the practice, gossip mags and tabloids have declared them a ‘craze’ that is on ‘rise.’” Yoni massages, which are named after the Sanskrit word for “place of birth,” involve just what you’d imagine: the labia majora is rubbed, then the clitoris, and the G-spot, until the woman is brought to orgasm. Several OB/GYN’s have commented that women can easily do this themselves manually, with a vibrator, or with a partner, making the massage not only very expensive but also very unnecessary. So, even if you don’t have $15,000 to buy a gold-plated dildo like Gwyneth Paltrow, women’s doctors are suggesting you just perform your own yoni massages at home for all the same health benefits—and fun!

Need some good lovin’ in your life? You don’t need an expensive, new-agey masseuse for that—come get sensual with us right here!

Check out more about vagina massages here:

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