Vegas Brothel Offers Free Sex To F1 Race Car Drivers

F1 drivers are being offered everything the city of Las Vegas has to offer for the Grand Prix—literally. Although it’s about 60 miles west of Vegas, a pair of sex workers are promising to make it worth the drivers’ while to make the trip—promising free sex ahead of the race. Two licensed sex workers had extended the offer to the entire grid.

“Any driver that wants to get their hearts racing and celebrate the F1 will be treated to 100 percent complimentary coitus.” The pair have also offered F1 fans making the trip a 50 percent discount: “Our discount will help Vegas visitors and residents blow off some steam with a couple of generous ladies so that they can chill out during race week.” The women said, “Everyone who made F1 in Vegas possible deserves a break, and we’re here to provide some well-oiled appreciation.”

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