Viagra Factory In Ireland Turns Men Into Walking Stiffs

viagraAn Irish Viagra factory is making it hard for residents to ever leave. Townspeople claim the fumes from the factory which manufactures the erectile dysfunction drug are arousing the local men. “One whiff and you’re stiff,” local bartender Debbie O’Grady said.

Village dwellers have long enjoyed free access to the drug, never having to pay a cent for its “love fumes.” “It’s amazing the number of people who come to this village, perhaps out of curiosity, and then never leave. There’s something in the air,” a townsperson says. Some residents claim there was baby boom after the Viagra factory opened around 1998. Though no one knows for sure whether there is actually “love in the air,” residents have this to say for sure: “We’re just happy.”

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Check out more about the Irish Viagra factory that gives men boners:

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