Viewing Porn From Parliament’s Computers Is Being Kept Secret

img_5939Parliament claims attempts to access porn from its computers are being kept secret to stop MPs falling victim to hackers. For years Parliament has routinely disclosed information on websites viewed from its network – revealing that up to 200,000 bids to surf X-rated sites have been blocked a year. The authorities have always argued that most of the efforts to view porn were inadvertent or down to so-called malware.

But now Parliament is claiming that it won’t reveal the information because it “may present a security risk if it were to remain publicly accessible.”  Previous sites have even been deleted from the Parliamentary transparency log. As a security expert says, “How is it a security risk to know that a bunch of (predominantly) middle-aged white guys prefer to browse for porn in the office rather than on their home PCs (where their wives might notice)?”

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Check out more about how Parliament is keeping secret who views porn:

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