‘Vore’ Fetishists Share Their Fantasies On Youtube

24503004315_94fb07d7e3_zA video on Youtube showing a giant blonde woman shallowing a man whole has clocked up almost 50,000 views. It’s one of hundreds of “vore” videos on the site for fetishists who fantasize about being eaten. There are hundreds of animated videos showing people being chewed or swallowed, with some getting up to 300,000 views.

The sexual fetish is a subset of BDSM, since many vorephiles are submissive and enjoy the idea that they are being degraded. In one of the most popular videos, a woman in lingerie rubs her stomach while she describes how she needs to eat men to feed her “giant body.” She says, “You’ll be sliding around my small intestine, going around and around – it’s such a long way to travel to the exit.” One vore fetishist explains the appeal this way: “Being reduced to nothing more than a quick source of sating a predator’s hunger and lust – this is what I find exciting.”

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Check out more about ‘vore’ fetish videos on Youtube: https://nypost.com/2019/01/07/bizarre-vore-fetishists-dream-of-being-eaten-alive/

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