VR Expert Claims ‘Metaverse Sex’ Will Replace Porn In 10 Years

A VR expert predicts that in 10 years people will strap on VR headsets to fulfill their sexual needs. He also suggested that VR headsets will be more accessible in the next decade, phasing out pornography apps and websites—much like XXX sites phasing out porn magazines. And when this happens, we will reach a point where VR sex toys and “multi-sensory” VR will become a “new normal,” he said.

“Immersive experiences are compelling, simulating the visuals exceptionally well, which, when combined with haptic technology, like sex toys that respond to inputs and produce physical outcomes, will provide an experience close enough to the real thing,” he added. Multi-sensory VR, which uses technology to immerse people in metaverse experiences complete with sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste, will make metaverse sex “the norm.” “The metaverse has no limit and will enable people to live out all of their sexual fantasies,” he explained.

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