What it’s Like to Have Sex in Space

sexinspaceIf you’re into astronomy (and fucking), you’ve probably wondered at some point what sex in space would be like. Pornhub is currently trying to crowdfund the first ever x-rated space encounter to answer this question, but science tells us it might not be that easy. Though NASA once sent a married couple up into space together, the pair are not kissing and telling—which is the same for the other 540 or so people who’ve traveled above Earth. So what do we know about what it would be like to fuck in space?

Based on evidence from NASA and the Kinsey Institute (who have also wondered about cosmic coitus), sex in a gravity-less environment wouldn’t really work out that well. First, instead of blood flowing to the genitals in men and women, in space it would flow to the head, making it hard to get or maintain an erection, or even to feel aroused. It would also be difficult to stay in sexual positions in zero-gravity, not to mention how physically demanding it would be since you lose so much strength and muscle-mass in space. It’d also be pretty messy, since there’s no where for the fluids to go: it just sort of builds up, like an unsexy sponge.

Well, so much for that 250-mile high club! But here’s the good news: NiteFlirt can make you feel like you’re being shot into space without ever leaving the Earth!

Check out Slate‘s video about what it’d be like to have sex in space!

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