When Sex Made a Commercial Airline Pilot Go Blind

Image Source: Flickr.com | User: Florian

Image Source: Flickr.com | User: Florian

If you’ve ever seen the show Sex Sent Me to the ER, you’re probably familiar with the entertaining, humorous, and always strange scenarios of sex gone awry. But the latest sexcapade on TLC’s popular show is really one for the books. It involves an airline pilot who goes temporarily blind after trying to keep up with his feisty wife’s insatiable need to fuck.

As soon as the doctor entered the examination room, he found the pilot and his wife going at it. Once they settled down, the pilot explained about going temporarily blind in his left eye—known as transient monocular blindness (TMB)—and his concern since he had to “be in the cockpit tomorrow.” When the doctor left the room and again returned to find the wife making herself comfortable in her husband’s “cockpit,” he began to wonder if the blindness wasn’t the result of all the sex they seemed to be having. The doctor realized that the pilot’s TMB was a result of an uncommon phenomenon due to orgasm: “During orgasm, blood that should flow into the eye gets redirected to the genitals, temporarily cutting off blood supply to the retina, causing blindness.” Who would’ve guessed all that high-flying sex could do that?

In the mood for a wild adventure? You don’t need a pilot’s license for us to “take you higher” right here!

Check out more about the pilot who went blind from sex here. 

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