Why Women and Men Love Feminist Porn

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_announcement2Explicit erotic film director Jennifer Lyon Bell recently sat down with BuzzFeed to discuss feminist porn and why many women and quite a few men prefer it over regular porn. Bell prefers the term “explicit erotic film” over feminist porn because she says the latter can sometimes be misconstrued as not hardcore. She explains, “People think that women don’t want to see explicit material and that couldn’t be less true. I think plenty of women, myself included, love seeing hot, explicit sex.” So here are some reasons why we should all be watching more feminist porn.

  1. Women’s porn offers more diversity, and is just as explicit
    Bell says, “A popular misconception with porn is that all women want the same thing. Women are really diverse and what appeals to me might not appeal to you, and I think that’s great. Women’s porn should be really diverse because women are really diverse.”
  2. Seeing people genuinely enjoying sex is seriously hot
    Women definitely want to see real, hot sex when they watch porn—and a lot of men do too. The sex seems more participatory between the two people, which makes it seem more fun, free, and authentic.
  3. Feminist porn is less commercial, and more creative
    Bell argues that because porn distributors need to make money, they are more reluctant to explore alternative types of porn that they fear may not be as marketable. This is why alternative porn producers like Bell make movies: “Sexuality – women’s, men’s, and everybody’ s sexuality – is really diverse in a way that we are only just now starting to explore further with alternative pornography.”
  4. The sex looks, sounds, and feels more real
    Bell says, “That’s the part of sex that I find most exciting – this cycle between two people of seeing what the other person is going through and responding to it.”
  5. The adult entertainers are more diverse
    The hottest sex you see in porn is from those people who are simply comfortable with their bodies and their sexuality, no matter their body type, sexual preference, etc.
  6. Women openly enjoying and exploring sex is a powerful, revolutionary act
    It ain’t called feminist porn for nothing! These women are empowered, sex-positive, and all about sexual liberation.

All that talk about real, hot sex definitely got us in the mood. Come celebrate sexual liberation with us!

Check out images and more about feminist porn here!

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