Why You Feel Horny When You’re Sick

white-1822497_640If you’ve ever felt horny while lying around sick in bed, you’re not alone. Research suggests that being aroused while you have a cold is a real thing – and it might serve a purpose. Scientists hypothesize that sexual feelings and sickness might be the body’s way of giving you the boost you need to get over a cold.

That’s because cumming – like any other stimulation – revs up the central nervous system. “In particular, it stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, the same part of our brain-body communication that decongestants activate in order to constrict blood vessels and tissues which, in turn, helps to alleviate congestion and let air flow more freely,” reports Daily Mail. Sweaty sheets, hot skin, tired from head to toe—sex or sick day, or both?

Feeling horny? We’ve got just the thing to rev you up at NiteFlirt!

Check out more about why you feel horny when you’re sick: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-6805969/Why-people-feel-aroused-theyre-sick-Orgasms-supercharge-immune-system.html

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