Woman Almost Dies From Orgasm

A woman almost died from an orgasm, medics have revealed in a rare, new case report. She felt a “pop” in her chest during sex, which turned out to be a life-threatening injury to her main artery. The unidentified 45-year-old was having sex with her husband with her legs “pressed against her chest” when she felt a strange popping sensation as she climaxed.

Tests carried out revealed her blood pressure was 220/140mmHg. Doctors found a leak in her aorta, the largest artery carrying blood through the body. Doctors who treated her claim the “shear stress” of sex can make a weakened aorta vulnerable to leaking.

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Check out more about a woman almost dying from an orgasm: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11080329/The-woman-died-orgasm-Aorta-started-leaking-climax-husband.html

Here is the case report: https://amjcaserep.com/abstract/full/idArt/936167

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