Woman Ends Up In ER After Sex Triggers Allergic Reaction

condomsA woman suffered an allergic reaction after having unprotected sex with her partner who was prescribed an antibiotic. The woman has an allergy to penicillin—and went into anaphylactic shock within an hour of fucking. At the ER, doctors learned about the husband’s medication, and decided that the woman’s reaction was caused by “seminal transfer of nafcillin,” which they wrote in their report published in The American Journal of Medicine.

After receiving treatment for her anaphylaxis, they sent her home with an EpiPen prescription, and advised her to steer clear of sex with her husband for at least a week after he completed his course of antibiotics. This is the third known case study of its kind, doctors said, including an incident involving a woman from Spain whose allergy to amoxicillin kicked-in after performing oral sex. When good sex goes bad…

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Check out more about a woman who had an allergic reaction to her partner’s cum: https://nypost.com/2019/11/07/woman-ends-up-in-er-after-unprotected-sex-triggers-penicillin-allergy/

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