Woman Goes Viral After Listing ‘Sex Worker’ On LinkedIn Profile

A profile on LinkedIn got the internet all hot and bothered recently. A woman listed “sex worker” along with her many credentials, quickly racking up nearly 10,000 reactions and more than 1,600 comments. “The biggest reason I could walk away is because sex work shows me what my power can do when I own it intentionally,” the LinkedIn post reads, explaining why she left her high-paying job to pursue sex work.

“Why is this different than any other client work?” she asked before answering her own question: “It isn’t.” She says she only works with clients that are “respectful, generous and grateful,” adding “they don’t have to understand it, but they better respect the hell out of it.” “I would hire a current or former sex worker in a heartbeat because they come with a litany of business minded skills that are a boon to any industry,” responded one individual who claimed he is a former sex worker.

Do you support sex workers? Come show us some love at NiteFlirt!

Check out more about a woman listing “sex worker” on her LinkedIn profile: https://nypost.com/2022/07/14/woman-adds-sex-work-to-linkedin-profile-sparks-debate-respect-it/

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