Woman Taken To Hospital For Allergic Reaction After Swallowing Cum

24503004315_94fb07d7e3_zA woman is literally allergic to her partner’s cum. She was taken to the hospital for an allergic reaction after performing oral sex on him and swallowing. Doctors suspected she suffered from anaphylactic shock, but couldn’t understand how that could happen from performing fellatio.

Doctors ruled out a rare semen allergy and soon discovered that her partner had taken amoxicillin-clavulanic acid – a form of penicillin – to treat an ear infection. As a result, the doctors suspected the woman’s anaphylaxis was caused by “seminal transfer of amoxicillin.” Doctors, who believe the case to be the first of its kind ever recorded, have now urged anyone with drug allergies to “be aware” of the potential risk from oral sex.

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Check out more about a woman who had an allergic reaction after swallowing cum: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-6795525/Woman-31-goes-anaphylactic-shock-swallowing-partners-SEMEN.html

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