Woman Who Marries “Pirate Ghost” Says The Sex Is Out Of This World

woman-609252_640A mom of five enjoyed fucking a 300-year-old Haitian pirate ghost so much that she married him! She claims they’re enjoying the best sex she’s ever had. She met Jack the ghost in 2014 when he joined her in bed one night and proceeded to blow her mind.

She says the sex is much “deeper” with a ghost. “You can feel the weight of the spirit, their touch, the pressure. You can literally feel the physical act of what the spirit is doing to you, and the spirit can feel it, too,” she says. The couple were married with a human medium saying the ghost’s vows in a boat in international waters, which means the wedding is actually legal. Just goes to show how important sex is in a relationship!

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Check out more about a woman who married a pirate ghost because the sex was good: https://nypost.com/2018/01/17/woman-marries-pirate-ghost-says-the-sex-is-out-of-this-world/

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