Women and Men Talk About Their Sex Lives For Four Hours Every Month

18501126518_249aa0ec57_zWhat happens in the bedroom doesn’t usually stay in the bedroom, according to a new study. As it turns out, 76 percent of Americans talk about their sex lives with another person at least once a month. In fact, the average person spends around four hours per month sharing intimate details about their sexual encounters with friends.

The survey of 2,000 adults in long-term relationships found that the most frequently discussed topics were related to how good the sex was, how long it lasted, the setting of the encounter, and, not surprisingly, dick size. It also found that 37 percent of respondents are honest about the sex, while around 30 percent exaggerate their stories, either to cause jealousy or because they’re actually bored with their sex lives. Respondents said they dished on the sex mainly as a way to catch up with friends—literally about the most intimate details of their lives.

Want to get intimate? Come find out what happens in NiteFlirt’s bedroom!

Check out more about the study that shows most Americans talk about their sex lives: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-5093811/People-spend-FOUR-HOURS-month-discussing-sex-lives.html

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