Women Reveal The Specific Moves That Make Them Cum

Photo via Conceived Brooklyn

Photo via Conceived Brooklyn

A recent study published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy examined the different types of clitoral stimulation that makes women cum. Researchers partnered with OMGYes and asked women a variety of questions about female pleasure. They found that 36 percent of women need clitoral stimulation to cum, with another 36 percent saying that don’t need it but it definitely makes an orgasm much more intense.

As far as they types of touch women prefer to achieve orgasm, there’s a huge range in terms of what gets women off. Researchers asked very specific questions about the amount of pressure (light to medium and hard), the motion (side to side, up and down, diagonal, circular, pulsating, etc.), and where they like to be touched (directly on the clit; around the clit). According to the study’s findings, two thirds of respondents preferred direct clitoral stimulation with most reporting that they also like stimulation just around the clitoris, and 51 percent like circular movement. In the end, the study encourages women to simply “go explore and see what you like.”

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Check out more about the study on female pleasure: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/straight-women-reveal-the-specific-movements-that-make-them-orgasm_us_59a43c7ee4b05710aa5dd83e

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