Women Share The Most Surprising Things They Didn’t Realize About Dicks

A Reddit user posed an interesting question to the internet recently: “Women, what surprised you the most the first time you saw or played with a penis?” The answers didn’t disappoint. Here are some of the funniest, strangest, and just plain true things people didn’t realize about dicks until they saw one, ahem, in the flesh.

  1. “BALL SKIN IS CONSTANTLY MOVING. Surreal. It’s like a moving Magic Eye painting.”
  2. “How squishy it is flaccid.”
    Fun to play with!
  3. “The texture! When they said ‘hard’ I didn’t know what to expect….”
    Now you know!
  4. “What struck me the most was that it’s just there, dangling away, all day, every day, just hanging out with its ball buddies. Like how do you not sit on it? Is it not constantly annoying you? Is the satisfaction of unsticking it from your thighs worth the discomfort of it sticking in the first place?”
  5. “[I thought] it had ribs. I was confused as hell, it really felt like there were bones in there. Only later did I realize that it was the condoms we used that had those structures on it.”
    Hmm, OK…
  6. “I expected the penis, but I didn’t expect the balls to be so…there.”
    They are indeed!
  7. “That it sort of floated in a bath…I didn’t expect that.”
    Like a rubber ducky!
  8. “It can jump on its own.”
    It has a mind of its own!
  9. “The veins!”

Looking for a “real” experience? We can always surprise you here at NiteFlirt!

Check out more women’s reactions to seeing a dick for the first time: https://www.buzzfeed.com/stephenlaconte/women-share-surprising-things-about-penises-reddit

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