Women Share The Sex Moves They Wish Men Didn’t Copy From Porn

Not everything you see in porn should be reproduced in real life. Women everywhere can attest. Here are 9 things they wish men would stop copying from porn.

  1. “Thinking that we orgasm from two minutes of penetration alone.”
    Life ain’t like the movies, folks!
  2. “If there’s anything we should agree on, it’s the lack of moaning. I really don’t get how men can be so silent, but when they aren’t, it’s the BIGGEST turn on.”
  3. “I really don’t understand the appeal of dick slapping. Help me understand.”
    To each (dick) their own?
  4. “What kind of porn are they watching that makes them think fingering is so aggressive? Take it easy!”
    Less is more.
  5. “Going faster when you tell them something feels good/you’re gonna cum. Pro tip: Don’t change a goddamn thing. Keep up the same pace.”
  6. “Asking what’s the biggest dick I’ve ever had. Why do you care? This ain’t a dick-measuring contest.”
    So true.
  7. “Spitting on genitals. Just DON’T. Or at least don’t without asking.”
    This should be a PSA…
  8. “Pulling my hair like the friggin’ reins on an irritable horse kills the mood for me. When you yank my head back like you’re about to waterboard me, I won’t enjoy anything after and you’ll owe me a chiropractor for a month.”
    Watch the neck, guys!
  9. “Calling someone a ‘whore’ or a ‘bitch’ without checking if they’re into it.”
    Just rude. 

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Check out more about what women don’t want men to copy from porn: https://www.buzzfeed.com/daniellaemanuel/sex-moves-men-copy-porn

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