Women Try Cosmo Flirting Tips On Real Guys 

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_eatingIf you’ve ever read Cosmopolitan, you’ve probably seen their notoriously ridiculous tips on how to bag a dude. From their next-to-impossible acrobatic sexual positions to their over the top tips on flirting, Cosmo is a wild card of feisty sex advice. So what would happen if women actually tried their flirting tips on real guys? Buzzfeed decided to find out.

  1. Tip: Pull your hair loose from a pony holder (or a clip) so he can watch your touchable tresses fall around your face
    Result: “Nothing about it was subtle, but it was effective,” said one pleasantly shocked woman. “I won at flirting!”
  2. Tip: “While conversing with a cutie, lean in so you’re about six inches from his face, linger for three counts, then slowly return.”
    Result: “It’s like a weird kiss blue balls.”
  3. Tip: “Rub your shoulder like you have a painful crick then gently sigh. Not only will he find this extremely sexy, but you might even score a massage.”
    Result: “Do you want some Icy Hot or something? I’m sure there’s a drugstore down the street…”
  4. Tip: “Use your tongue to get that last crumb off your lip while eating dinner with him.”
    Result: “As soon as that crumb’s on my lip, game over. It looks like I don’t know how to eat like an adult.”
  5. Tip: “Grab his ass on your way into a restaurant.”
    Result: “Now that’s sexual assault.”

Final thoughts: “I don’t think there needs to be many tips,” says a guy the tips were tried on. “We’re kind of easy.”

Want to have some naughty, flirty fun? We’ll grab your ass in the middle of a crowded restaurant, if you want!

Check out the video of women trying Cosmo flirting tips on real guys here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Um23f8GcYSo

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