Women Try Female Condoms For the First Time

imagesFor most women, the female condom is a mysterious and often scary form of contraception. It’s huge, has two rings at either ends, and can only be described as slimy. For this reason, Buzzfeed made a new video asking women to try the intimidating female condom for the first time. Here’s what they said (check out the hilarious video below).

When the women first opened the package, one remarked that it looked “like an elephant condom.” They also immediately noticed how well lubricated the female condom is: “very slimy.” Then, they tried inserting it, pinching the smaller end with the index fingers and sliding it inside. And as you can imagine, not all of the responses were positive: “it feels like a trash can bag inside of my pussy,” said one woman. Another woman had trouble with hers “popping back out.” Insertion hassles aside, what was sex like with a female condom? The reviews weren’t exactly glowing—“sort of felt like a Ziploc bag,” said one woman. A few said that the guys they were with liked it, but as one woman explained, most women probably wouldn’t be thrilled about using the female condom unless “you’re doing a double dick.”

In the mood to try something new? We can promise positive results here!

Check out the video of women trying female condoms for the first time here: https://www.buzzfeed.com/juliapugachevsky/women-try-female-condoms-for-the-first-time#.tyYr1xG8WM

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