Women Who Have More Sex Have Better Developed Brains, Study Says

It seems women with sex on the brain are actually smarter. Scientific researchers have identified the brain region linked to genital touch in women, finding that it is better developed in those who frequently fuck. The study scanned women’s brains using an MRI while they had their clits stimulated.

The researchers then measured the thickness of that brain area—finding it was more robust in the female volunteers who reported having the most sex. In other words: The more sex, the bigger the region of the brain called the “somatosensory cortex.” Researchers believe having a more developed somatosensory cortex is a result of “brain plasticity,” which happens when certain parts of the brain become bigger the more they are used.

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Check out more about a study showing that women who have more sex have better developed brains: https://nypost.com/2021/12/27/women-who-have-more-sex-have-better-developed-brains-study/

Here’s the study: https://www.jneurosci.org/content/early/2021/12/09/JNEUROSCI.1081-21.2021

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