Women Who Make More Money Than Their Partner Are Twice As Likely To Fake Orgasms

It seems women might be “leaning in” to having successful careers—at the expense of their sex lives. A recent study found that women who make more money than their male partner are twice as likely to fake an orgasm. Women fear that men who earn less may have a “fragile sense of masculinity,” due to the long-held stereotype that men are the primary breadwinners.

As a result, researchers believe women try to alleviate the man’s financial insecurity and boost their ego by faking orgasms during sex. “Women are prioritizing what they think their partners need over their own sexual needs and satisfaction,” said the study’s lead author. “When society creates an impossible standard of masculinity to maintain, nobody wins,” they add.

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Check out more about a study showing women who make more money than their partner fake orgasms more often:https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-10459587/Women-make-money-partner-TWICE-likely-fake-orgasms.html

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