Workers Hope Returning To Office Will Enhance Their Sex Lives, Survey Says

More than a third of single white-collar workers think returning to the office will improve their sex lives, a new survey says. “Sex can happen,” one single and ready to mingle employee of NBCUniversal wrote in response to the survey, adding “Few jobs require people after 8.” A Bank of America employee gushed that returning to work will help them get lucky because “I will actually have a reason to meet people in real life.” 

According to the survey of more than 2,500 office workers, 50% of singles at Capital One, Cisco, NVIDIA and Salesforce said returning to in-person work would improve their chances for sex, while 40% at Amazon and T-Mobile said the same. Singles weren’t the only ones who felt getting back to work would get them laid: “Distance makes the heart grow fonder,” wrote an employee who’s in a relationship.

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Check out more about a survey showing most office workers think going back to the office will help get them laid:

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