You Can Exchange Sex for Driving Lessons in Holland

thumbsupDriving instructors in Holland can legally slip into the backseat for payment for lessons. Cabinet ministers have been discussing the issue and determined that there’s nothing wrong with exchanging “a ride for a ride.” After long debate, Dutch News reported the parliament reached this conclusion on the controversial practice: offering driving lessons for sex did not equal prostitution “since sex was not being sold.”

However, they also determined that a student asking to exchange sex for lessons was not allowed. Although prostitution is legal in the Netherlands, since there’s no way to tax students, i.e, non-sex workers, “a ride for a ride” would not be legal. So as long as the instructor makes the deal, two consenting adults have the thumbs up from their government to go on a joy ride. Apparently, web searches for driving lessons in exchange of sex are on the rise. Now that’s what we call a good Driver’s Ed course!

Want to go on a fun joy ride? We love mutually satisfying exchanges here!

Check out more about Holland’s “ride for a ride” here:

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