You Can Still Have Good Sex With a Micropenis

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_smallpenisFor the 0.6 percent of the male population with a penis that’s less than 2.75 inches, their anatomy is often the cause of much emotional pain, anxiety, and depression. But sex therapist Elizabeth McGrath is giving these men hope by showing them and their partners how to get the most out of their sex life. For her clients with micropenises, she says the main thing to do is to shift the focus away from penetrative sex—because there’s so many other ways to find pleasure!

“There’s humping, there’s grinding, there’s rubbing the penis on the labia or on the side, and then it expands into ‘What kind of fun things can we do together?'” McGrath said. Oral sex can be the main event, and sex toys, rings, vibrators, and even “extenders” worn over the dick are all great options for couples. She emphasizes that trying new things and figuring out what gives people pleasure is the key. And for a person with a micropenis, or really anyone, it’s about finding what makes you feel good and, most importantly, having fun.

Looking to have some fun yourself? We can make you feel good right here!

Check out more about how you can still have good sex with a micropenis:

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