You’ll Never Guess What the Most Dangerous Sex Position Is

sexy-scientistWe’re willing to bet you’ll never guess which sex positions are the most dangerous. A recent study revealed that it’s actually the most basic sex positions that are the riskiest. As it turns out, doggy style is the position that causes the most ER-related injuries—closely followed by missionary.

Researchers looked into the sex lives of 90 patients, aged 18 to 66, who suffered penile fracture, and found that vanilla sex positions were most often to blame. In 69 cases (!), doggy style caused 37 injuries, missionary caused 23, and woman-on-top caused nine. Researchers say that while it can be difficult in the heat of the moment to “go a bit easier,” men should remember to “take firm hold of their partner’s hips to ensure they stay in position.” They added: “You’re also safer doing this position on the floor rather than with something hard [like a bed or table] in front of you.”

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Check out more about the most dangerous sex positions:

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