Zika Virus May Spread Through Oral Sex

condomsIt seems those pesky mosquitos may not be the only culprit in the spread of Zika virus. According to a recent op-ed in The New England Journal of Medicine, a much more pleasant activity could also be to blame—oral sex, and possibly even kissing! Doctors theorize that a man traveling from Rio de Janeiro may have spread the virus to his partner after having unprotected oral and vaginal sex seven times.

Since the woman only came into contact with the infected man’s semen during oral sex, and medical records show traces of the virus in her saliva and urine, but not in her vaginal fluid or blood, “the researchers concede that they can’t rule out transmission via pre-ejaculate fluid during vaginal sex or saliva during ‘deep kissing,’” reports the Gaily Grind. Scientists have known since 2011 that the virus might be spread sexually, and there have been 11 cases of sexually-transmitted Zika virus since the start of the epidemic in the U.S. “U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a recommendation to men traveling in Zika-endemic countries to use condoms for oral, vaginal, or anal sex with their partners once they return home.” Zika[s] Christ, that’s some scary stats for head enthusiasts!

Want a risk-free romp? You won’t find any dangerous epidemics here!

Check out more about how the Zika virus potentially spreads though oral sex here: https://www.thegailygrind.com/2016/06/03/experts-warn-zika-virus-may-spread-through-oral-sex-kissing/

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