6 Ways For Guys to Improve Their Sex Lives, According to Science

frustrated coupleWhat if we told you that you don’t necessarily need to reach for that bottle of Viagra or the numerous other sexual enhancement treatments the next time you want to keep it rock hard for a marathon fuck fest? According to science, there are many other alternatives that can help you to up your sex game whether you struggle with premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction (ED), or a low sex drive. Here are 6 proven ways guys can improve their sex lives.

  1. Get some exercise
    Science has shown that men who are the most physically active have the best erectile function and sex drive. By incorporating either 2 hours of strenuous exercise or 6 hours of moderate exercise every week, you can expect serious results in the bedroom.
  2. Do kegels
    While you’re at it, don’t skip exercising your dick! Doing kegels not only helps with premature ejaculation and ED, but it can help you to become multiply orgasmic!
  3. Drink less booze
    “Whiskey dick” is real. Studies have shown that bouts of heavy drinking can lead to problems with getting an erection and reaching orgasm. And for those who regularly abuse alcohol, 72% reported sexual performance problems. While you don’t need to quit drinking, definitely drink in moderation.
  4. Stop smoking cigs and weed
    Research has shown that smokers, who make up just 28% of the population, make up a whopping 40% of those with ED. And those who smoke weed are also at risk for developing erectile problems, since cannabis inhibits receptors in the dick.
  5. Learn to love your dick (not literally)
    Over 50% of men reported feeling that their penis was too small. This self-consciousness can lead to performance anxiety during sex. The good news is your cock is probably perfectly normal. Not only that, but the vast majority of women say that they’re totally happy with their partner’s size.
  6. Use lube
    Using lube inside the condom contributes to more arousal. It enhances your pleasure and comfort while wearing it, and if you put some on the outside, it’ll feel amazing for your partner, too.

Looking for ways to enhance your pleasure? We can help you keep it rock hard right here!

Check out more ways for guys to improve their sex lives: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/playboycom/10-ways-men-can-improve-t_b_8639216.html

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