Study Finds Men Would Be Less Likely To Use Condoms If the Woman Is Hot

costumes-625440_640A new study shows another example of the dangerous things a man will do for the love of smoking hot woman. As The Washington Post explains, “When faced with the proposition of casually sleeping with a pretty woman, men are more eager to forgo condoms, according to a new scientific survey, than if they think their fling is less attractive.” So what is it about condomless sex with an attractive woman that excites men so much?

The study’s 51 participants ranged in age from 19 to 61, and all ranked pictures of women on a scale from 0 to 100. Invariably, the closer the men ranked a woman to 100, the more willing they were to have unprotected sex with her—even if they believed the woman might have a sexually transmitted disease. The study’s co-author believes that this could have to do with evolutionary reasons, where a man would want to reproduce with a more attractive woman because attractiveness is perceived as a sign of health. Or it could be about taking a risk to acquire the so-called “high status” associated with sleeping with a hot lady. Since the sample size was small, the researchers want to continue to look into this, especially with gay men.

Want to have some casual fun? We’re all about keeping it safe and sexy here!

Check out more about the study that shows men are less likely to use a condom with an attractive woman:

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