The Raciest Lines From the New Fifty Shades of Grey Book

 Screen Shot 2015-07-08 at 2.59.14 PMThe new E.L. James book, Grey, is just as hot and naughty as readers would expect it to be. The book, which re-tells Fifty Shades from Christian Grey’s perspective, has already sold 1.1 million copies—just 4 days after it was released! Readers just can’t seem to get enough of the Fifty Shades, BDSM phenomenon, which is why news outlets like Entertainment Weekly are already compiling lists of the best, raciest lines. Here are some of the jewels:

  1. “Her sharp intake of breath is music to my dick.”
  2. “Vanilla sex? Can I do this?”
  3. “Genital clamps—you have got to be kidding me.”
  4. “I drag my hand through my hair, and in as even a tone as I can manage I ask, ‘Are you hungry?’/ ‘Not for food,’ she teases. / Whoa. She might as well be addressing my groin.”
  5. “Oh, this is going to be fun. You’d be amazed what I can do with a few cable ties, baby.”
  6. “’How would you like your eggs?’” / “ ‘Thoroughly whisked and beaten,’ I reply.”
  7. “Oh, this ass is mine, so mine. And it’s going to get warmer.”

Is it getting hot in here? Want to turn up the heat about 50-degrees? Come get steamy with us right here!

Check out more racy lines in Grey here!

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